Can an employee work an 8-hour shift and take meal breaks accordingly, plus paid rest breaks after their lunch break, close to the time they are eliminated? We want to prevent employees from taking their PAID REST 15 minutes before eradicating without getting into trouble with the law? Any suggestion, I have always understood that the law must be an EMPLOYER, but does not have to PRESCRIBE that employees take a PAID REST of 10 minutes during working hours, it is a use or a loss, unlike the FOOD BREAK, these are mandatory or we pay a penalty . HELP for more details please??? The employer is (or its agents, I suppose, are responsible) for the schedule and timing of breaks. The correct answer is „it depends”. There are many types of exceptions under California labor laws. If you are a supervisor, you may fall under the supervisory exemption, also known as the executive exemption. But this exemption has many requirements that your employer may have blown up. Other types of exempt workers also continue to be entitled to meal breaks and rest rights. For example, truck drivers are often considered released. However, under California labor laws, they still have to get their meal breaks and rest breaks.

Another example is „inside salespeople,” who sell products or services while physically stationed in the employer`s office. Although they are generally considered „liberated”, they are still entitled to meal breaks and rest breaks. Consult a lawyer again to see if your situation qualifies for breaks. 2/ In addition to states with generally applicable standards, a 30-minute meal time is required for seasonal agricultural workers after 5 hours in Pennsylvania and for migrant workers in Wisconsin after 6 hours. Although in Washington State, farm workers are excluded from the listed general application requirement, a separate regulation requires a meal time of 30 minutes after 5 hours in agriculture and an additional 30 minutes for employees who work 11 hours or more per day. In addition to the states listed with binding standards, other regulations appear in two states: New Mexico. A provision applicable to women and administratively extended to men does not prescribe meal times, but stipulates that a meal, if granted (in the industrial, commercial and certain service sectors), must be at least 1/2 hour, not counted as working time. Wisconsin. By regulation, the recommended standard is 1/2 hour after 6 consecutive hours of work in factories, mechanical and commercial operations and certain service industries, to be given in reasonable proximity to the usual meal time or towards the middle of the shift. I work in a grocery store and tend to work a total of 6 to 7 hours 6 days a week.

I have been working here for 3 years and now I wonder how I was treated, how others tell me that I am being abused. You can let me work 6 days a week just to give me one day off a week. And secondly, they give me my break at my 1 hour and a half for 10 minutes, and then tell me that I have to have lunch at my work of 2 1/2-3 hours so they don`t have to worry about breaks and lunch later. Our lunch lasts 30 minutes, then we don`t have any extra breaks after our lunch ends. Is this type of processing legal or even fair? Many American workers wonder if they need meal and rest breaks during their working days and how long each day. Whether and for how long an employee receives meals and/or rest breaks, whether hourly or paid, may depend on the break laws of the state in which they live. Some states do not offer employees meal breaks and/or rest breaks, while others do. In addition, some companies that are not required to provide meal or rest breaks may have policies that they provide.

In these situations, employers may be required to abide by these own rules of the state`s labor laws. Is it legal for my boss to require that all my breaks be „on duty” and that I be supposed to work, whether I am on break or not? Note that I get a paid lunch because I need to be on duty, but I never have the rest breaks continuously at the time they should be; I am expected to take them when I can get them, which is rare that I have nothing to do for my work, a boss can count a long visit to the toilet as 2 breaks. The agreement would be written down and would indicate what I said. It is the employee`s desire to change the timing of their lunch break. There you go. We (the employer) are simply trying to respond to a request from an employee.