Duler- Turkey


  • What education means to you?

Education is the process  that;helps people  live as humans beings really should live, that helps people to affect each other by the ways of moral and traditional values.

  • Describe your formal education (from primary school up the  time of this study):
    What do you remember most and why?

The most I remember is to be able to graduated from a new faculty after the age of fourty.It was a fantastic feeling having been successful.We all  felt like teenagers of high school  again.It was a sort of commemoration of our earlier ages.

  • Describe your informal education (Learning outside the school):
    Have you ever  taken part in any courses? Why?

I am retired at the moment and in order to utilize my freetime ,I often take part in the courses of Public Education Center (HEM) such as language,sewing and desingning  ,folk dances. They help me both to qualify my time and learn a different part of my culture from the remote  parts of the country.

  • How is  your educational level now?

I am a graduate of Open Unıversity in Eskişehir. It was a process of practice,really nothing theory based education.

  • Have you any experiences that taught you something important? if yes, what were they?

While working at the emergency of hospitals ,I noticed that life span of a person was too short for every wish ,It was almost not enough for anything.When I saw many people who lost their lives in front of me ,I decided to have pleasure of every minute and not to deal with the unimportant things too much.


  • Who or which was your  best teacher and why?

My physical education and music  teacher ,Mr.Ş.Ö Gülhan , was  the best for me.He not only thought us just only songs and gymnastics but he also tought us how to face the difficulties in life.He had different methods all full of fun and was able to attract our attention and intrest.