So please, help reduce stress on the road and stay upright unless you`re driving. If the use of the shoulder is necessary, it is usually safer and more logical to use the shoulder on the right side of the road. However, exceptional circumstances may justify the use of the left shoulder. For example: Q: If a vehicle is turning left, can you overtake with the hard shoulder paved on the right? Don`t forget to activate your hazard lights if you stop a broken down vehicle on the emergency lane, even during the day. Of course, this does not include track „cutouts” that allow overtaking on the right side. Q: Is it illegal to drive in the left lane on the highway unless you are passing another vehicle? According to the letter of the law, it is a violation to use the shoulder (21755.) The article states that you can safely overtake on the right, but „under no circumstances can this movement be made when leaving the paved or main part of the roadway”. If you are to the right of the white line, you are outside the body and could potentially be quoted. If the situation requires it and it is safe, a motorist can use the emergency lane on the right side of the road to: It also creates a dilemma for drivers who want to overtake, as it is technically illegal to overtake on the right side. Paragraph 257.634(1)(a) of the MCL states: „The driver of a vehicle passing another vehicle travelling in the same direction shall pass at a safe distance to the left of that vehicle and, when safely exited from the overtaken vehicle, shall occupy a position as close as practicable to the right edge of the principal part of the highway used.” Driving along the shoulder of the road to prevent slow or stopped traffic is illegal in any state. Do not be tempted to use the shoulder in this way, as this will aggravate and endanger other road users. Travelling on the emergency lane to pass other vehicles is considered reckless driving and may result in a serious ticket, points added to your driver`s licence or a driver`s licence ban. If you need to remove your broken down vehicle from the roadway or stop for any other reason, but traffic or road conditions prevent you from reaching the right emergency lane.

Drivers must never drive on the emergency lane with the sole intention of passing another vehicle. The use of the emergency lane for overtaking is permitted only if staying in the main lane would result in a collision; For example, if the driver in front of you suddenly stops and you don`t have time to slow down so you don`t hit him. Question: This is a situation I see all the time in Sonoma County. I think there is a potential risk in both directions. I am curious to see what the legal answer is: in front of you, a car turns left and waits for oncoming traffic to clear. The road is two-lane with a wide emergency stop lane. After looking for other dangers, can you (the car waiting behind) pull the stopped car in front of you? — Sally A: There seems to be a lot of confusion in the automobile about this, because we get asked all the time. But the law states that it is NOT legal to pass with the shoulder. By definition, the emergency lane is not part of the roadway because it is not considered the „main part of the road”. Subsection 257.637(2) of the FCL states: „The driver of a vehicle shall pass and pass another vehicle on the right side only under conditions that permit safe overtaking and overtaking. The driver of a vehicle must not pass and pass another vehicle on the right side when leaving the sidewalk or busy part of the road. If a traffic control device or authorized personnel asks you to use your left shoulder.

The law explicitly states that a driver must use the extreme right lane as the main lane, and the left lane must only be used for overtaking. Section 257.634(2) of the MCL states: „On a carriageway with two or more lanes for travel in one direction, the driver of a vehicle shall drive the vehicle in the extreme right-hand lane available for traffic, unless otherwise specified in this section. However, the driver of a vehicle may drive the vehicle on any lane legally accessible to traffic in the same direction of traffic if the lanes are occupied by vehicles travelling in essentially uninterrupted lanes and in any left lane legally accessible to traffic in the same direction of traffic before travelling a reasonable distance in the same direction before turning left. A: It`s a pet of many drivers, including me. We all drove along I-94 and got stuck behind the guy who was traveling for a Sunday and traveling at 55 miles per hour in the left lane. This creates a dangerous situation as others are forced to slow down quickly and change lanes to get around this vehicle. Accelerate Tomerge with traffic in main lanes Follow the instructions of a traffic control device, a police officer or another person authorized to direct traffic From the file of old but goodies, here is a question that still has ground. Several times a month, we receive similar questions from Road Warrior readers. This response was published on January 14, 2012. Pass another vehicle in the right lane that has stopped, is deactivated or turns left If you purchase a product or create an account through one of the links on our website, we may receive compensation.

Give way to an emergency vehicle that displays flashing lights and sounds a siren The answer comes from CHP officer Jon Sloat, spokesman for the local office: – Questions can be sent to White at or attention: Trooper Derrick White, Michigan State Police – Jackson Post, 3401 Cooper St., Jackson, MI 49201.