1.- ¿Qué significa educación para ti?
The process by which we as students reinforce our values, attitudes, skills, and knowledge; also based on the four pillars of education, which will work for us to perform right, get the tools necessary for the proper professional functioning….. Education is the foundation we need to grow day by day in a society…..
2.- Describe tu educación formal (desde la primaria hasta el momento del estudio) ¿qué recuerdas más y por qué?
My formal education was the normal one. Well, from 5 to 15 years old, I was in a religious school and although I think different things about the nuns, the truth is that it went quite well, although I can tell you that at age six, I was put in a dark room with junk that they called “the mice room” because I was not in a straight position in the row. They forgot about me and my sister realized I had not come back home, and when my parents arrived at school, the nuns remembered and I was dumb of crying. Those were other times, there was a scandal and nothing else, classy, ask for pardon, apologies, and I spent many years struggling to fall asleep and my grandmother had to come to walk about at night until I fell asleep and gave me a syrup for the nerves and no psychiatrist or anything. That marked much my nerves, and some other details, I was restless and then very nervous, but good. Since then I was relatively happy, at 15 I got married pregnant with my first husband, which I have my only son whom I love with all my heart. I considered starting studying “social graduation” but I did not finish because I started working in banking and took me much effort. But I also had other good times through the school till now.
3.- Describe tu educación no formal. (aprender fuera de la escuela)
¿Has hecho cursos fuera del colegio alguna vez? ¿por qué?
Yes: sewing, music, a Rociero choir [folk]. I liked it and my friends too.
¿Cómo es tu nivel educativo ahora?
I know I need to learn, I am not that stupid. My I think it is good enough for a living.
¿Has tenido alguna experiencia que te haya enseñado algo importante? En caso afirmativo, cuáles.
Do not get pregnant as soon as 15 years old. That was normal at that time but thanks God it is no longer normal.
¿Qué o quién fue tu mejor profesor/a y por qué?
My first husband taught me everything I needed. That is why I left him.