1.- ¿Qué significa educación para ti?


Education is no more than what you learn, since you a child to very old; there is absolutely no time to stop learning. Education is more than a guide; it is as if other who has lived long enough knows how to face life. For me that would be education.


2.- Describe tu educación formal (desde la primaria hasta el momento del estudio) ¿qué recuerdas más y por qué?


I’ve never had problems so pass exams so that experience or story wasn’t that bad.  Nevertheless, I had many problems because of the death of a friend, and also I did not feel good about myself and the people made me feel worse. I trusted people who played wrong with me and well … Then I went to the University and those were the best years of my life. I think I got matured. I changed environment, city, everything and even if I had to work while studying, everything was great. I have met people who I would trust any secret and smiling is part of my daily face. I also met someone who made me a whole and now we are living together and watching him sleeping is better that I could spend. Well I stop talking so much.


3.- Describe tu educación no formal. (aprender fuera de la escuela)


¿Has hecho cursos fuera del colegio alguna vez? ¿por qué?


I went to every single course I could find. I have to confess that mostly to find new people, but always to classes I was interested in: chess, dance, cinema, taichi, gym… and a lot more.


¿Cómo es tu nivel educativo ahora?


I am and I will always be a student.


¿Has tenido alguna experiencia que te haya enseñado algo importante? En caso afirmativo, cuáles.


Many of them, everyday. To me or people I know. But what I the best experience was going out to other places without forgetting my origins.


¿Qué o quién fue tu mejor profesor/a y por qué?


People have been the best teachers.