The Dauphin would be quite willing to renounce it for himself and for all his descendants. Nglish: Translation of dispensation for the Spanish speaker Make it clear that I do not give up the pleasure of changing my mind or contradicting myself. Although in some cases it is almost identical to renunciation, resignation applies to the resignation of an unexpired office or trust. Background: Rumor has it that these were the last words of the French Enlightenment writer when a priest asked him to renounce Satan. Renunciation means giving up or turning away officially. If you decide to go vegetarian, ditch burgers and bacon. The transitive verb to renounce is a stronger and more formal way of saying that one rejects or denies something. A prince tired of royal life could renounce his title and become a citizen, and a senator who wanted to become independent would have to give up her ties to her former political party. It would be wise to heed the wisdom of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who said: „To renounce freedom is to renounce to be human, to renounce the rights of humanity and even to its duties.” Kuzenkov is the only human member of the Communist Party in the book, which is another way of saying that he must renounce the Party. „A woman will do anything for a man, but does she renounce him,” Lloyd says; And she can`t understand his wild instinct. Unlike her brother, however, Laura does not give up her love, but decides to hide it from her eyes. Louis looked at me surprised, but when he recovered, he said kindly, „Of course I give this up – what do I have to do without?” She received thirty thousand francs from his father to renounce her son.

If only people could renounce their hateful ideas, they could learn to love one another. Renounce the good law of Mazda worshippers, and you will receive such a blessing as the murderer, the leader of the nations, won.