It also amends section 9 (o) of Act No. 26,485, which establishes the establishment of a free and accessible hotline to provide information, information and advice to prevent violence against women and assist those who suffer from it. The objective of this law is to establish measures to ensure priority access to in-kind housing assistance for vulnerable groups for women victims of extreme gender-based violence, provided that the legal conditions are met to be a privileged beneficiary under Article 12 of Law 1537 of 2012. Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women (Belém do Pará, 1996) Finally, it urged the police and security forces to take measures to protect women victims of gender-based violence when violence occurs in public spaces or in public. There are a number of frameworks and obligations that take into account the racial dimension and recognize women of African descent in a particular way. Platero also©clarifies other differences between complaints and procedures for gender-based©violence compared to other types of complaints, such as the fact that the complaint is resolved at the victim`s place of residence, regardless of where it was filed. All measures to protect victims. It is important to emphasize that the laws governing public budgets (LFPRH and LGCG) and similar frameworks at the state level are the instrument to economically anchor gender mainstreaming in public policies, so it is important to be well aware of these legal frameworks and to analyze them with other frameworks that promote equality and human rights. „The authorities are required to take comprehensive measures from a gender perspective in order to exercise due diligence in their actions”, which explicitly states that, and I quote, „the obligation of all authorities to act with due diligence acquires a particular connotation in cases of violence against women. In such cases, the obligation to conduct effective investigations has additional flexibility. In cases of violence against women, public authorities must take comprehensive measures from a gender perspective to comply with due diligence. In Mexico, various instruments have been created over the past 20 years to create the Mexican legal framework to combat the phenomenon of discrimination and violence against women, such as: This law was enacted in response to the request of women who made femicide violence visible in Ciudad Juárez. In the Chamber of Deputies, the Special Commission for Knowledge of the Policy and Law Implementation of the Judiciary on Femicide in the Country was established which, on the basis of a survey conducted in the 32 states of the Mexican Republic, drafted and approved the law on women`s access to a non-violent life.

A session, today, really interesting, during which the students of our postgraduate course in gender©did not stop asking all the doubts that arose. Something very important, because it is important that all professionals in any sector working with women victims of gender-based©violence know what happens when a woman decides to file a complaint and all the mechanisms that© are put in place below. Eva Platero begins her presentation by clarifying two fundamental concepts: when a complaint of gender-based violence reaches the courts, it is because there is evidence that gender-based©violence© exists and that the process can no longer be stopped; And this 016 is a phone number©for women victims and they are the ones who should call. With Eva Platero, students of the postgraduate course Gender©Discomforts immerse themselves in an analysis of the legal and legal framework of violence against women and children ±, identifying their lights and shadows and indicating alternatives to overcome the obstacles and difficulties they face. Within the framework of the Federal Council of Education, it also stipulates that the inclusion of the gender perspective in the minimum content of curricula must be articulated, including respect and freedom in interpersonal relationships, gender equality and the delegitimization of violent models of conflict resolution and violence against women in public spaces. (a) Has been convicted as the perpetrator, accomplice, instigator or accomplice of the crime of homicide aggravated by the combination or mediation of gender-based violence against the other parent, in accordance with article 80, paragraphs 1 and 11, of the National Criminal Code; This law, adopted in 2007, was conceived as a law aimed at reforming the State, it goes beyond the identification of victims and perpetrators, that is, it is a law that establishes the legal and administrative guidelines with which the Mexican State must intervene at all levels of government to guarantee and protect women`s right to a life free from violence10. In Latin America©and the Caribbean, the commitments of the Regional Programme©for Gender Equality promote the adoption of prevention, punishment, protection and care measures that contribute to the elimination of all forms of violence against women in public and private spaces and to the implementation of positive actions. special attention to women of African descent (ECLAC, 2017). More than forty years ago, inspired by international treaties signed by the Mexican State, laws were created in our country that formed a solid legal framework to make public budgets with a gender perspective an indispensable tool for national development. The magnitude of these impacts, both on the lives of individuals and families and on society as a whole, is immense. The conditions created by the pandemic – lockdowns, reduced mobility, increasing isolation, stress and economic insecurity – have led to an alarming increase in violence in the private sphere, exposing women and girls to other forms of violence, from child marriage to online sexual harassment. The OCHRA, adopted in 2006, is the legal framework governing the budget process at the federal level.

Its purpose is to regulate the processes of programming, budgeting, approval, exercise, control and evaluation of the Confederation`s public revenue and expenditure. We also examine the service and procedure of protection orders introduced by the comprehensive law on gender-based©violence to replace the pre-existing injunction, and extend the jurisdiction of violent judges to adopt civil measures in addition to criminal measures. Eva Platero also explains©the protocol for applying for and activating the protection order, which is valid for 30 days and after which©divorce or separation must be requested.