Example: I sent you an email with a vacancy request. Although each question is technically an investigation, this word is generally used to refer to an official or public search for truth. For example, after a plane crash, the government launches an investigation into the cause. Politicians and government officials are often the ones who demand an investigation when an important question needs to be answered, but a child can do the same. If your child wants to know what`s in it for dinner, they can ask for it. She can also simply, you know, ask. In response to a request from Fortune, the Korean electronics company said it was waiting for the results of ongoing tests before discussing the matter. The survey and inquiry are somewhat formal, especially when compared to similar terms such as question or inquiry. Some speakers of British English may use both words and prefer inquiry in more formal contexts. In the United States, the demand is rarely used. At the station, the chief doorman received his request for a Bradshaw with a dull look and a nod. She had a simple answer to my question about calls that never received an answer – from her or someone else in the detective`s office. Even the policeman who is paid to guide you will respond to your request with the shortest and shabbiest monosyllable that is enough.
Democrats described the investigation as one politically motivated to harm the party`s presidential candidate. It is possible, as Barrios` campaign pointed out, that prosecutors have since abandoned their investigations. Here is an example of a request used correctly in a sentence. The grand jury inquiry provides an opportunity to verify the accuracy of witness statements. Chronology: Is the story still spreading at the time of the investigation? Presumably, Jacob`s first question must have been, „Well, where did you find this or that commodity?” And yet, the situation acknowledged here is a serious fact that calls into question the investigation and requires explanation. According to Fowler`s Modern English Usage (1926), the inquiry should be used in connection with a formal inquiry and the investigation of the act of interrogation. Many (but not all) British writers subscribe to this distinction; the Oxford English Dictionary, on the other hand, lists inquiry and inquiry as equivalent alternatives in that order. Some British dictionaries, such as the Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, present the two spellings as interchangeable variants in the general sense, but prefer the demand for the „formal sense of inquiry”.
In Australian English, the investigation is a formal investigation (e.g. a government inquiry), while the inquiry is used in the act of interrogation (e.g., the client inquired about the status of their loan application). Both spellings are common in Canadian English, where queries are often associated with scientific or intellectual research. (See Pam Peters, The Cambridge Guide to English Usage, p. 282.) In the case of the Midlands, they set up a board of inquiry and the directors approved the appointment. Investigation and investigation have the same meaning: a question, an inquiry, a request for information or the process of seeking information. Demand is a less common variant of demand. The governor`s office did not immediately respond to ProPublica`s questions about the investigation. The noun enquête is a British spelling of the word „inquiry”.
Both words mean the act of asking questions in order to obtain information. If you are in London, you can find out about the opening hours of the many museums located there. If you ask the man behind the counter if he has aspirin, inquire. Almost all searches for information or knowledge are requests, although a request is often an official search. These are words that are often used in combination with queries. Find the answers online with Practical English Usage, your go-to guide to problems in English. The testimony of Binam and other prisoners to Irwin is likely to be decisive for this investigation. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! Although the survey is now considered the different spelling in the United States, it is the original English spelling of the word that comes from the old French word enquerre. The name also signifies a systematic investigation, usually conducted for the benefit of the public. If you detect pollution in your local river, the government can launch an investigation into the source of the pollution and ways to clean it up. Most of these distinctions apply to the verbs ask and ask. Their verbal forms – ask and ask – also mean the same thing: ask, seek information or investigate.
Middle English enquery, from Old French verb enquerre, from Latin inquīrō. Later rewritten to match the original Latin spelling, as opposed to the Old French spelling. One afternoon, the director of the Social Investigation Foundation, Maria Gaidar, received two elderly ladies in her Moscow office. During the Leveson investigation, Dance claims to have received a call from the local police. Survey could be used in the same way in this sentence. Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app. To learn more about them, read the full breakdown of the difference between applications and applications.