Now that you know a little more about the genetic factors of greyhounds, you will better understand whether greyhounds are illegal or not. Pure wolves can be kept illegally as pets and are protected by regulations for endangered wildlife. The Federal Animal Welfare Act defines greyhounds as pets and is subject to the same regulations as many other breeds (as long as they are five generations away from their wolf ancestors). This goes even further in breed-specific legislation. We hope our readers can learn with us as we pursue our mission and vision. Check your local laws and consider becoming an ambassador for the animals that Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary rescues and cares for every day due to the exotic pet trade. Ask how your legislators came to their decisions to create laws like those that apply to greyhounds, and ask them to regulate greyhounds from the perspective of compassion and education, rather than fear and misinformation. I`ll leave you with a great quote from U.S. Fish and Wildlife to consider: There are an estimated 250,000 greyhounds living as pets in the United States. But just because a particular state doesn`t have legislation on the legality of greyhound hybrids doesn`t mean not every country in that state does.
For example, hybrids are illegal in North Carolina in Durham County, but not necessarily in other counties. Although they look like wolves, huskies are no more closely related to wolves than poodles and bulldogs. Although they are all dogs, some huskies can be crossed with wolves, creating a wolf hybrid. It is a completely different animal from a purebred Siberian husky or its cousin, the Alaskan Malamute. Dogs and wolves have the same ancestry, dating back more than 30,000 years. There is historical evidence that natural reproduction between these two different species took place in Europe at least 10,000 years ago. The first prehistoric greyhounds were documented here. There is also evidence of greyhounds in paintings of the Teotihuacan civilization in Mexico, where this hybrid accompanied warriors. But even in states that allow wolf hybrids, many require a permit or registration, require vaccinations, veterinary certifications, and housing in certain types of cages. In some states, this means getting a permit for „dangerous animals” — the same species needed to keep a lion. And some regulations are based on the content of wolves, for example, in California only first-generation greyhounds are illegal. Greyhounds are not illegal to own in Tennessee, except in some counties such as Knox.
But it is estimated that three out of four dogs marketed as greyhounds actually have no wolf content. This perpetuates the myth that these creatures can be kept indoors. To socialize a greyhound, it is very important to do it at a very early stage, already 10 days after birth. In this way, they can get in touch with their immediate family, even if they have to stay with their mother to feed themselves. The right time to introduce them to their new home and environment is between seven and eight weeks. The process when they arrive home is to slowly introduce them to the new people around them: the milkman, the postman, the children, etc. „They`re beautiful animals, and a lot of people are attracted to something exotic and different,” says greyhound expert and author of Wolfdogs: A-Z. „They want to own a piece of wilderness, and they often say that the wolf is their spiritual sign or totem animal. Unfortunately, they don`t know that it`s not really the same as having a wolf in their living room. As mentioned in the introduction, the definition of a greyhound is a hybrid between an ordinary domestic dog (Canis lupus) and gray (Canis lupus), red (Canis rufus), eastern wood (Canis lycaon) or Ethiopian wolf (Canis simenisis).
However, this definition can sometimes be quite vague. The years of inbreeding leave the breed due to its pedigree only with the appearance of a wolf, but can not be classified as such. In general, the amount of wolf content in a greyhound can be classified as follows: While some wolf hybrids are docile and non-aggressive, a higher percentage of wolf hybrids are likely to be dangerous and vulnerable to attack on humans and other animals. In fact, dog bite statistics show that greyhounds rank sixth in dog bite deaths by breed. Major cities such as Denver, Colorado, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, have completely banned the possession of greyhounds, and in the case of Albuquerque, the city requires that all animals suspected of being greyhounds be euthanized. Because many shelters in the United States typically don`t have the resources to accurately test or phenotype, many domestic dogs are euthanized due to misinformation or fear based on lack of understanding, especially in cities or states where it is mandatory for suspected greyhounds to be euthanized. Genetic testing is theoretically possible, but because it is often reserved for wildlife management and law enforcement agencies, it is essentially inaccessible to most individuals and, most importantly, not 100% accurate. Phenotyping – allowing an expert to assess an animal`s physical and behavioral traits – remains the most accessible way to identify a greyhound. Unfortunately, few are trained in greyhound phenotyping, and as a result, many dogs are mislabeled. For example, in the state of Nevada, it is legal to possess and transport wolves without a permit.
But it`s not that simple. The wolf must have been bred in captivity to be kept as a pet for humans. This shows that the legality of a wolf`s identity depends on various factors and there is no universal answer to the question. Do you want to buy a wolf? You`re out of luck in New York, Maryland, California, and the other orange states on this map that completely ban private ownership of wild exotic animals. The blue and green colored states allow the possession of certain exotic animals under certain circumstances. And the grays — from very conservative Alabama to politically moderate Wisconsin and Ohio — have basically no restrictions. In other states in the United States, it is completely illegal to own a greyhound as a private pet. Most greyhounds are several generations away from their pure wolf ancestor. In Florida, it is legal to own greyhounds, but there are restrictions on higher content animals. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission oversees the regulation of wolves and all animals that essentially correspond to their wild ancestors.
To answer simply: no, with a few exceptions. A wolf would never allow a domesticated dog to join the pack. That`s because their genes are literally designed to be aesthetically pleasing to humans, and many dog breeds are actually just extreme abuse by humans. Hi Alex! Saarloos are considered domestic dogs. Wolf was reintroduced into their lineage a long time ago, so the impact of this reintroduction is relatively questionable. There are a few other dog breeds where the wolf has been reintroduced into „recent” history, which are also considered domestic dogs, even though „greyhound” is in their name. This led the community to call them other nicknames to avoid confusion. First, you need to make sure that the legislation of your country and/or state allows you to own it. As we have seen, there are places where it is illegal or limited by its genetic makeup. Even in states that treat wolf hybrids as pets, counties and cities are allowed to pass stricter regulations or ban animal ownership altogether.
District and city ordinances change frequently. Contact your local animal control office for current restrictions for your potential pet. Not all laws surrounding the regulation of wild animals, their offspring or mixed breeding with pets are the same. In fact, it appears that the definition of „wild animal” differs from state to state. At the federal level, a greyhound is considered a greyhound. According to Cornell`s law, „a hybrid cross means an animal resulting from a cross between two different species or species of animals. Crosses between wild species such as lions and tigers are considered wild animals. Crosses between wild animal species and domestic animals such as dogs and wolves or buffaloes and domestic cattle are considered domestic animals. According to the same definitions prescribed by the Department of Agriculture, a wild animal is „any animal found now or historically in the wild or wild within the borders of the United States, its territories or possessions. This term includes, but is not limited to, animals such as: deer, skunk, opossum, raccoon, mink, armadillo, coyote, squirrel, fox, wolf. Even if you could draw its pedigree, there`s no way to predict an animal`s „wolf,” says Stephen L.
Zawistowski, PhD, former executive vice president and scientific advisor to the ASPCA. „I`ve seen ads for animals that are 98 percent pure wolf, but these are fake numbers,” he says. „These claims are based on the mistaken belief that genes mix like food colorings: if you take half red and half blue, you get a beautiful, even purple.” In reality, he says, genes „mix” more like marbles. Suppose you have a dog, represented by 20 red marbles, and a wolf, represented by 20 blue marbles.