GEM Atelier Stantlife – My memories of the remarkable events from the past decades
– The murder of J.F. Kennedy
On the 22th of November 1963 I assisted on live the murder of J.F Kennedy while watching my television. It was a huge emotional choc. A friend of mine, with whom I discussed recently and who belongs to the same generation as I, remembers having seen the same moment in television. And we did not know each other’s at this time. This unfortunate historical moment made us think about other similar and violent memories: Martin Luther King was assassinated on the 4th of April 1968 for having fought segregation and Itzhak Rabin on the 4th of November 1995 was murdered for having worked for peace between the Israelites and Palestinians.
– First Personal Macintosh
In 1984, I discover a unexpected surprise at my friend’s place; the first personal Macintosh computer 128K that was a big plastic block with a “mouse”. This “mouse” is a magical animal. This tool will change our professional lives. And in the same year, the our cooking methods are revolutionized with the micro waves that comes a popular kitchen machine in the French households about the years after the American households. During the years starting from that moment, the technological revolutions succeed one another: computers, laptops and mobile phones. Today, the young generations are familiar with e-mails, text messages and digital skills since their early childhood. For us, seniors, these are discoveries that we did during the age of 40. And I don’t even talk about checking the weather with the use of satellites and GPS…