1.- ¿Qué significa educación para ti?


Education is to know how to get over things, something that I can use to solve my problems and my family’s.


2.- Describe tu educación formal (desde la primaria hasta el momento del estudio) ¿qué recuerdas más y por qué?


The school, the yard of concrete where we played football and the teacher who told us lots of things I did not understand. He was always angry. The heavy books [I had to carry]. I think I remember the yard because I usually fall to the ground and my knees bled. Nevertheless, I also remember having fun secretly jumping from a high kerb in a wall and escaping from class. After that I went to professional school, like the rest of stupid youngsters. That was what people say and probably that was true. I did not care but now I confess I regret.


3.- Describe tu educación no formal. (aprender fuera de la escuela)


¿Has hecho cursos fuera del colegio alguna vez? ¿por qué?


I have never been in no formal classes. My father took me to the school of football when I was very young.


¿Cómo es tu nivel educativo ahora?


Not bad.



¿Has tenido alguna experiencia que te haya enseñado algo importante? En caso afirmativo, cuáles.


I always learn something but I think I forget all of them. Hahaha. Now, seriously, I think that there is nothing that can teach you better than life itself.


¿Qué o quién fue tu mejor profesor/a y por qué?


Life as I have already said.